

  • Graduate Theses and Dissertations
  • Institutional Information and Statistics
  • Publications
    • Arts & Humanities Journals
    • 手机外网加速器
    • Social Sciences Journals
    • Magazines and Newsletters
  • 免费外网加速器
  • Patents
  • Undergraduate Honors Theses and Projects

The Iowa Research Commons portal is a shared repository of the three Iowa public universities, University of Iowa, Iowa State University and University of Northern Iowa. Visitors to the site can search the contents of all three institutions at the same time by using the search box. Content gathered to collections on the site highlight theses/dissertations, undergraduate research, and journals of Iowa’s three public universities.

See the map below of the downloads showing the worldwide impact of the Iowa Regents institutions.

Iowa State University Iowa State University
安卓上外网的加速器 University of Iowa
University of Northern Iowa 手机外网加速器
DC Network This collection is part of the Digital Commons Network
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